Health, safety and wellbeing are core values that will be incorporated into all aspects of our business, and we are committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees and other interested parties who may be affected by our activities.
Everyone working for the Company should expect a safe and healthy working environment, and in turn, everyone should contribute towards the goal through responsible behaviour.
The Board of Directors, management and employees of the Company are all accountable for the prevention of injuries and occupational illnesses, and will be committed to continually improving health, safety and wellbeing performance of the business with the ultimate target being that EVERYONE GOES HOME SAFE AND WELL EVERYDAY. The commitment will be achieved through the following actions:
• No job or task will be carried out unless it can be done so safely – every employee is empowered to stop a job or task at any time if they think it is being carried out unsafely;
• H&S objectives will be set for the business on an annual basis by the Senior SHEQ Management Team;
• The Board of Directors and all managers will lead by example and actively engage with their teams;
• Managers are responsible for health, safety and wellbeing compliance, communication and implementation. They will ensure that:
o Risk assessments will be used by all employees and contractors and suitable safe systems implemented to eliminate, control and reduce all hazards where practicable;
o Employees and contractors under their responsibility must have adequate training, experience, qualifications and skills to carry out their duties in a safe and competent manner;
o Roles and responsibilities are clearly communicated and understood by their teams;
• Maintaining and improving the health and safety reporting, systems and procedures;
• Implementation of inspection regimes and remedial actions;
• All accidents, incidents and significant near hits/misses require prompt reporting, investigation, root cause analysis and implementation of improvements, which will be communicated to all employees;
• Clear and transparent communication and knowledge sharing – Safer by Sharing;
• Active participation of all employees to help continual improvement of our health, safety and wellbeing performance;
• Continual monitoring, review and improvement of safety reporting, performance, systems and procedures;
• All employees will be made aware of their roles and responsibilities and shall be accountable for their actions.
It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors and Management to ensure that adequate resources are provided in order to deliver the above actions.
The successful implementation of this policy requires total commitment from employees at every level, all of which have a legal responsibility to co-operate with the Company to ensure that they do not put themselves, fellow employees and other interested parties at risk of injury by their actions.
This policy will be reviewed at least annually to ensure it is appropriate for the business.
Ric Clemmey
Managing Director
February 2023